Katherine Claire Kelley Katherine Claire Kelley

How to Marry your Organizational Styles

Find a solution to the daily stress of unwanted clutter in your home & tackle it as a couple!

I have been married to my sweet hubby, Dave ( or “Bubs” as I call him) for almost 10 years & continue to learn alongside him how we can best complement each other’s different organizational styles. We were very blessed to build a family quicker than we imagined & currently have 5 littles running around at all times. Four of our children are old enough to go to school & the 5th, Connor-baby, is my little sidekick and home-terrorizer during the day :) When the weekend hits, our home can quickly become one big to-do list, but thankfully, we have worked together to implement organizational systems in our home from the inside-out to help the kids and ourselves put our home back together when it becomes messy. Everyone knows that if Mama Bear starts to feel overwhelmed by any messes left in sight, they will be put to work!

This is Dave and I on our honeymoon in 2013.

Dave wears many hats in his professional life & greatly values the hustle mentality: always pushing himself to accomplish more in his schedule & learning new ways to be more efficient. His work ethic, humility, creativity & selflessness are a constant source of inspiration to me as a Mother and business owner. Since sharing homes in Ann Arbor, Dexter & Saline together, we have really enjoyed *most* of the process of renovating our homes and equally value the peace of keeping our home clean and clutter-free (as much as the kids will allow.)

If you are searching for a solution to marry your organizational styles and get on the same page about your home, I thoroughly recommend taking this fun quiz from one of my favorite professional organizers who invented the “Clutterbug Method.” In this quiz, you and your significant other can each discover what kind of organizer you are & learn many tips on how to marry your unique, organizational styles.

Click the link here: The Clutterbug Quiz

Second to that, you can play the decluttering game below to commence your journey to uncover the home you two have always dreamed of as a team!

Identifying Each Other’s Definition of “Clutter”

In order to live in harmony in your shared space, it is important for each of you to learn what visual objects your partner finds stimulating and what causes them to feel uneasy. The key is to meet in the middle to discover your combined, organizational bliss.

From my experience in my business, I have found that most couples have different organizational styles or needs. For some, it may be very bothersome for them to see mail on the kitchen counter or laundry busting at the seams of a basket in their bedroom, but once those objects are neatly contained & out of sight, it’s no longer on their radar. Or, you could be most at peace when all of your colorful office supplies are neatly arranged on your desk where you can see it, but your partner finds that area to be cluttered and taking over too much space. All of these little hiccups have a solution, the challenge is to seek awareness of each other’s needs in a loving way.

Couples Decluttering Challenge

If you are searching for a solution to tackle your combined clutter together & are feeling brave, I thoroughly recommend this couples challenge:

  1. Buy two different color post-it notes, one color for you and one for your partner.

  2. Choose 1 Room per week where you will each take turns sticking your post-it notes to any surface in that room(on shelves, floors, or walls) that make you feel cluttered, identifying decor or belongings that don’t bring you joy to have in that space. Each person should have the same amount of time to complete this challenge so you can make quick and honest decisions.

  3. Agree to keep the peace for the sake of the process. The ultimate goal is to be able to visualize what your partner considers clutter from their point of view & for them to learn the same about you. Taking the steps to declutter each room in your home this way provides an opportunity to experience lasting serenity in your relationship and home life.

  4. Lastly, after you both have agreed upon what belongings to remove from your space & shared a few laughs, take the time to enjoy what you have recreated together!

Couple in clean home

Wishing you a most peaceful week,


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